Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — sasha
I've Got A Brand New Pair Of Rollerskates
Moving slowly, back to my daily routine...excited to get boxes from south carolina filled with amazing scores. But the mail is working like a snail. Staff meeting last night and all my girls are so amazing right now. Couldn't be more pleased. Doing a BellJar Girls™ photo shoot soon so look out for all that glamour coming your way. It's almost just too, too much. I know, I'm sitting here freaking out right now!
Drinks with a boy later tonight. Seriously can I get some back up from the SF ladies on dating in this town. I swear it was not this bad pre-married days. Oh back in the 2000's things were sooooo much simpler. Hmm well none the less, you just get back on that horse. But I swear I feel more trampled these days then that time I got kicked off my arabian during a western trick riding contest. And that left in the hospital for over a week. But I'm still hopeful. I refuse to be some wallflower sitting in the corner, feeling sorry for herself. Where there is flame there is fire...and for those who know me, well there is certainly fire.
Maybe if your lucky I'll give you all some deets. Or maybe not. Depends on my mood and shade of polish.
2 Year Anniversary Gorgeous Little Moments!
I'm Just saying from BellJar on Vimeo.
Nachos Part Duex? from BellJar on Vimeo.
On our way Home!
Last day in Vegas- Tried to do some more thrifting, but I tell you that town is shopped out. We hot some actual Vintage stores but their prices were astronomical. I really don't mind paying for good Vintage but I expect a boutique experience if I'm gonna pay 2500.00 for a dress, and I will tell you the places in Vegas did not have that experience. Plus I was hoping to find some good steals to bring back to you ladies. Sorry no go, but I did bring home a million amazing vintage home treasures.
So we hot the airport early and had a few drinks because we were just iver the Vegas thing. So here is Jaz making her, pose for the camera, face.
We are happy to be home.

Darling Spring Window Install
We were planning on putting up a gothy kind of pretty valentines day window, but then I got obsessed with these pretty flowers when I was shopping and decided to just do a pretty spring window!!! So here a few pictures from the install and the final product! Come by and check them out!!!
The love and Talented Darling Staff-
A view in to the life of our glamorous photo-shoot ala BellJar!!! We have been tirelessly working on the website, which includes a whole slew of boring things such as data entry, but it also involves photoshoots- Luckily I'm not only a master style maven, but I'm also a stylist, a make-up artist and a purveyor of all things lovely. And Jasmine dear is an expert at documenting our goings on! After a long weekend of selling you all pretty frocks and a little bit of whining (yes actual whining, not drinking wine) and dinning on our parts, I give you a sneak peak of our recent shoots! xo