Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — art opeing

Angela Singer

So every-time I visit Megan's Blog over at My Love For You Is A Stampede Of Horses, I think she must be my long lost sister. We have, like the exact same taste in art. This morning I clicked over and found, to my delight, Angela Singer. We all know that I adore Taxidermy, but I also love girlie pretty-ness. Although the message is much more complicated than just appealing to Sasha Darling, Angela Singer's art feels like it was made to represent BellJar. Screen shot 2010-05-12 at 7.15.36 AM Screen shot 2010-05-12 at 7.15.26 AM Screen shot 2010-05-12 at 7.14.52 AM

2 Year Anniversary Gorgeous Little Moments!

The Amazing GlassCoat

The pictures from GlassCoat are in! Don't you all look lovely? Thanks for coming out to our two year anniversary. This photos just prove we have the cutest and coolest customers on earth!!!!