Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Art Opening
Zzzzzzz: Works by Morgan Miller
This Friday we welcome our long time friend and amazing local Gal Morgan Miller to the walls of BellJar.
Friday May 8th
6-9 PM
Cocktails, Friends and Art
Morgan Miller is a self-taught artist working with oil paint on wood panels. The electric colorscape of her work is directly influenced by travels through the desert.
Her work questions society's unease with sexuality, body shaming and gender identities. Miller's paintings seek to separate nude portraiture from eroticism.
She will also have some of her handmade wares available for sale.
A bot of press on our gal bellow-
Video Spotlight 12fps productions:
Sorry I've Been So MIA
I brought my computer to South Carolina with every intention of keeping up with the BellJar blog, but I guess I just got too busy having fun. It's the first trip I have taken since the store open that did not revolve around work. And after two and a half years it was much overdue.
I went out with Olivia Song Park, Kevin Earl Taylor, and Ben Baumgartner, for the group show Kevin Curated, Diverse Chorus featuring 27 American Artist. Got some shots of my Favorite pieces. Kevin grew up in Charleston and he and his family treated us to such an amazing trip...with all that Southern hospitality we all dream about.
We did a lot of eating, shopping and seeing the beautiful Palmetto State. Took a day trip to Savannah, hit up a flea market and scored a bunch of amazing records, did a bunch of vintage shopping for the store, hung out with Kevins friends and family and best of all saw Kevins band White Boy Crazy play!!!
Derailleur Impaler
John Casey Cleary
Kylea Borges
Resident BellJar Photographer Matt Reamer He is also riding in the Aids Life Cycle. Give him money!!
Had dinner with Mandy Darling and came directly Home. I've been fighting a cold for the past few days. When I got home Tiff and her boy were making chicken soup for us. So sweet. Then I remembered Kylea had organized this art event and I had even sponsored it, so I had to high tail it back out. Super glad I did...all my peeps were out and I had a super good time. Scott was in particularly rare form last night (I Know you are reading this) and he kept me nice and entertained with his black metal inspired voice!! Still sad you aren't making it to SC with us next week.
In the Sunshine, with Moonshine.
So I have not posted in a week. A lot has been going on at the shop as well as for me personally. Last week Pig and I hopped in the car and took a mini road trip. We just kinda tooled around northern California and a bit over on the coast. We did some treasure hunting and brought back a carload full of digs. We also stopped off at my Mom's house who has been feeling really under the weather. Hung out with her and gave her some love and support, and took her to the doctors. While bored in the waiting room played with my phone photo application.
Years ago my record collection was stolen from my apartment in Portland. It was really heartberaking because I had been collecting since I was like 7 and my records were the main connection between my father and I. In my 20's I started to collect a bit again, but then lost the records in the divorce. My father had left me his collection when he passed away, but through strange family happenings, somehow they never made it to me. I really have not had the wherewithal to take on record collecting since the shop, but on this trip, I got the record bug again. I bought like 40 or 50 albums. So excited and now I have the fever. All I want to do is go record hunting now. I also have decided I need all new stereo equipment and might go check out some turntables today. After my last trip to LA and hanging at my friend Lily's house, I realized how much my home, does not feel like a home without vinyl!
After a few days of playing catch up at BellJar and hanging at home listening to all the new record scores, I thought I would go out and enjoy this amazing weather. Went to an art preview for artist Mark Warren Jacques from Portland. I guess he has been hanging here for the past month and created the below works on his hiatus from the rainy city. Had some champagne hung with some cool peeps. Also was reintroduced to Meighan O'Toole from the inspiring art blog "My Love For You is a Stampede of Horses". Seems she is moving back to SF next week.
After the art preview Kevin Taylor and I headed over to Dolores park to hang with Olivia Song Park and crew for a record listening party. Kevin brought his battery powered record player and the rest of us brought food drinks and a few LP's. Supper good times were had. Caitlin came and met me as well and after hanging in the intensely hot sun we decided to head over to Pizzeria Delphine for some dinner. Amazingly enough we got to sit right down at an outside table where we shared a nice bottle of Rose, some good food and pig got over 100 pets by passerby's.
It was a fab week and I'm expecting this to be an amazing Summer...not just for the store but also for me personally! Have I said how much I love my life lately? Well there, I said it.
Cover Me With Pretty Lies
Amazing weekend round-up.
Gallery BellJar opened Scott Greenwalt's show on Friday. If you missed it, stop in over the next month. It got off to a really slow start but ended up super packed with cuties. We usually close the openings at 9, but no one showed up till like 8:30. We decided to stay and hangout till around 10:30. Many Margaritas were consumed, art was viewed and we all had a fab night. Had a few drinks in the neighborhood with the BellJar girls and some of the art boys, but headed home early. Friday nights in the Mission, not so much. Did stop in to Casanova to say hi to my east bay friends at Sean Cavanaugh new night, Phonogram. Good Jams.
Sat worked the shop, but took a long break to get a mani/pedi. I love being a girl. Sat night went to see Charlotte Gainsborough which I already posted about. My dear friend Olivia, took me out to sushi before the show. I have to say it's the best date I've been on in a long time, even if she wouldn't kiss on the first date. XO Liv.
Sunday headed down to Pacifica with my friend Tim and Piglet. It was beautiful out and we just walked along the beach and hiked up the hills. Then we had lunch at some weird old bar and lounge on the water. We found out they do live music on the weekends and we are so gonna check that out soon.
Last night we headed over to Make-Out Room for a Buffy Sainte-Marie tribute Featuring Emily Jane White and Mariee Siox. It was cute-ish. I always feel like if I'm going to a place called the Make-Out Room I should get to make-out, I dunno maybe it's just me, but I usually leave this place feeling like I was duped by false advertising.
Now a quick run, some shop stuff and later, ad weather permits a picnic. Tomorrow I'm hitting the road for a few. Destination unknown. I say yes to a little freedom and so does Pig.