Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Uncategorized

Getting Physical

A Random Muscle guy at the gym asked for my telephone number. I politely replied, I doubt we'd have enough in common to have a phone conversation. He disagreed. I asked him to tell a little bit about one of the following: Tolstoy, Chagall, Townes Vand Zandt, Arcade Fire or Blaire Waldorf and I'll take yours. He just starred blankly. I guess I will not find Mr. Right at the Gym. Ha ha.But at least I can be inspired by 80's workout fashion.

Low Luv, By Erin Wasson

Super chick it-girl Erin Wasson designs her own Jewelery line and we at BellJar just adore it.It shipped yesterday and she be in-store for Fridays party.

A Certain Connection

Had a day that reminded me to embrace all the lessons life has affored me: connectivity, truth, passion, desire and most importantly, possessing a positive nature. The stress of my life, being a single, business owner has been really getting me down. At the core I believe that I manifest my own reality and lately I have been manifesting stress and an overwhelming sinking feeling that it's all too much. Had an early supper with a good friend that helped me brainstorm some inspiring marketing ideas, as well as just some good, plain, tough-love truth. Feeling a bit grounded, walked back to the shop and ran into old, dear friend, Shawna who recently moved away. She is a spry, lovely bundle of positivity and seeing her lovely face put me in the right mood to just keep moving forward and finish all the tasks at hand. So to the universe and to all my lovely life supports I say thank you!  I told you this was gonna be my year. Is it ok that I'm writing this in a T-shirt and fishnets? I think so. So take another sip of champagne and get ready for all that BellJar and I (Sasha Darling) have to give!!!

A Certain Connection

Had a day that reminded me to embrace all the lessons life has affored me: connectivity, truth, passion, desire and most importantly, possessing a positive nature. The stress of my life, being a single, business owner has been really getting me down. At the core I believe that I manifest my own reality and lately I have been manifesting stress and an overwhelming sinking feeling that it's all too much.

Had an early supper with a good friend that helped me brainstorm some inspiring marketing ideas, as well as just some good, plain, tough-love truth. Feeling a bit grounded, walked back to the shop and ran into old, dear friend, Shawna who recently moved away. She is a spry, lovely bundle of positivity and seeing her lovely face put me in the right mood to just keep moving forward and finish all the tasks at hand. So to the universe and to all my lovely life supports I say thank you!  I told you this was gonna be my year. Is it ok that I'm writing this in a T-shirt and fishnets? I think so. So take another sip of champagne and get ready for all that BellJar and I (Sasha Darling) have to give!!!


Working frantically to meet the site deadline dates. Been setting up press so that site has to go live now. Daily Candy is hopping to do a piece this week, but it seems we are having a bit of technical difficulties that I hope to work out today. The two year anniversary party is this Friday and there are tons of little things here and there that i must attend to and then there is market next week in LA. Sometimes I feel this heavy weight on my chest, like there is just no way on earth I can take care of everything. Thank god I currently have the most supportive staff on earth, which all have the flu right now. I just keep chanting, I can't get sick, I can't get sick. I will just throw on some lipstick and some high heels and I everything will work out, right?

I'm really hoping everything takes off the way I expect it to with the site and all, as I'm feeling more and more like I need to move out of San Francisco and I would really like to start opening stores in other cities. I have been here so long, and this city is starting to feel too small. On Sunday I was driving around and realized there was nothing I could think of that I hadn't already done or seen in SF. I grew up in Marin and Sonoma and besides a few stints in other cities, like Portland and Hawaii I have just been in the Bay way too long. Did someone say NY? Or maybe Tokyo, London or Berlin? Now I just need to focus on finding investors. Which means boring business plan writing an adjusting. Why can't I just do the fun stuff?

So now I'm off, to meet a photographer that is dong some sort of shoot at the shop, get crackin on the web and hopefully find a second to myself to make it to the gym today. I swear very soon, I plan to have a social life that includes way more glamour, intrigue and excitement. Maybe when I'm in LA for work I will meet a undercover agent then I can write about that.I promise to have big 1960's hair for that plot change.

xo for now-