
Working frantically to meet the site deadline dates. Been setting up press so that site has to go live now. Daily Candy is hopping to do a piece this week, but it seems we are having a bit of technical difficulties that I hope to work out today. The two year anniversary party is this Friday and there are tons of little things here and there that i must attend to and then there is market next week in LA. Sometimes I feel this heavy weight on my chest, like there is just no way on earth I can take care of everything. Thank god I currently have the most supportive staff on earth, which all have the flu right now. I just keep chanting, I can't get sick, I can't get sick. I will just throw on some lipstick and some high heels and I everything will work out, right?

I'm really hoping everything takes off the way I expect it to with the site and all, as I'm feeling more and more like I need to move out of San Francisco and I would really like to start opening stores in other cities. I have been here so long, and this city is starting to feel too small. On Sunday I was driving around and realized there was nothing I could think of that I hadn't already done or seen in SF. I grew up in Marin and Sonoma and besides a few stints in other cities, like Portland and Hawaii I have just been in the Bay way too long. Did someone say NY? Or maybe Tokyo, London or Berlin? Now I just need to focus on finding investors. Which means boring business plan writing an adjusting. Why can't I just do the fun stuff?

So now I'm off, to meet a photographer that is dong some sort of shoot at the shop, get crackin on the web and hopefully find a second to myself to make it to the gym today. I swear very soon, I plan to have a social life that includes way more glamour, intrigue and excitement. Maybe when I'm in LA for work I will meet a undercover agent then I can write about that.I promise to have big 1960's hair for that plot change.

xo for now-

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