Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — photography

I've Got A Brand New Pair Of Rollerskates

tumblr_l1nek5Kl841qzv83i tumblr_l29zxw0e6i1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l1xot7DjIU1qzhl9eo1_500 tumblr_l1wtymqzZa1qa1iiqo1_500 tumblr_l2bor9kNmG1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l2klm1CjKf1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l1lzexPXtw1qbqwc2o1_500 Moving slowly, back to my daily routine...excited to get boxes from south carolina filled with amazing scores. But the mail is working like a snail. Staff meeting last night and all my girls are so amazing right now. Couldn't be more pleased. Doing a BellJar Girls™ photo shoot soon so look out for all that glamour coming your way. It's almost just too, too much. I know, I'm sitting here freaking out right now! Drinks with a boy later tonight. Seriously can I get some back up from the SF ladies on dating in this town. I swear it was not this bad pre-married days. Oh back in the 2000's things were sooooo much simpler. Hmm well none the less, you just get back on that horse. But I swear I feel more trampled these days then that time I got kicked off my arabian during a western trick riding contest. And that left in the hospital for over a week. But I'm still hopeful. I refuse to be some wallflower sitting in the corner, feeling sorry for herself. Where there is flame there is fire...and for those who know me, well there is certainly fire. Maybe if your lucky I'll give you all some deets. Or maybe not. Depends on my mood and shade of polish. xo Darling

Dogs Don't Cry

pl1 pl195 pls pl253 pl185 pl23 pl98 a0 pl121 pl164 o plx I want Johny's Bird to come photograph me.

I'd Rather Dissolve Than Have You Ignore Me

tumblr_l262huBnu01qb3upvo1_500 My Mother asked me a few weeks ago if I prayed. She claimed she did not know how to. I replied of course I did. She asked me what I did, If I lit candles or knelled and I explained that sometimes I might make a ceremony of it but mostly I just pray throughout my day. I pray when I drive, or while sitting quietly on my couch. I pray while I fall to sleep and I pray as I steam dresses at work. Any chance I get from my chaotic and sometimes loud life, I take a second to connect to the universe. I ask for it help, and strength and I thank it for all the gifts it provides me. She then asked me what it made me feel, praying. And I have thought a lot about this. What it makes me feel. The best answer I can come up with is; It makes me feel quiet. tumblr_l1r3mq2RXt1qa7bilo1_500 tumblr_l05lrd7wkO1qz6vufo1_500 tumblr_l20a1fjGLL1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l22mbeoQnJ1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l1spbb8JJU1qzhcj3o1_500 tumblr_ky470fQ3tw1qao5rpo1_500 tumblr_l2811oChYO1qzgyoao1_500 tumblr_kycypzJxgF1qzj1p9o1_500 tumblr_l1vdl1v3Ms1qzj1p9o1_500 tumblr_l1giqitOxA1qzxdqqo1_500 tumblr_l225qiXuwH1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l2km2l6zBc1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l1zyw0RiLe1qzv02qo1_500

Coco Rocha - What a Fox

tumblr_l2h90uXyOS1qz9qoo tumblr_l12ujxBElm1qz9qoo Screen shot 2010-05-17 at 10.55.45 AM Screen shot 2010-05-17 at 10.56.06 AM Screen shot 2010-05-17 at 10.57.03 AM

Paris By Way Of Shanghai

Editorial photo's: Benoit Peverelli for Elle China May 2010 Stylist: Stephanie Zhuge Fashion: Louis Vuitton’s spring collection Found: Dustjacket 8 9 4 6 5 7