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The Source From Which I Draw My Strength

IMG_2267 IMG_2232 Spent the weekend in Butterfly Valley for my cousins wedding. This is the country where I was born. It's located deep inside the feather river canyon and it's lush, green, rocky mountains are split by smooth water formed rocks that are carved by the massive river that winds between. Every-time I come home, I am grounded by the roots by which I came, although I hardly resemble the landscapes of my past. IMG_2215 Uncle Keith the man who conducted the ceremony at my wedding. I got his licensee on the internet!! Universal church of Life. And he put it to good use again marring his son! IMG_2224 Auntie Lori who also delivered me! No she is not a doctor but she did a smash up job! My family with all their quirks and charm, might on the street view me as a creature that is unrelatable to their world, but as we sit over a glass of wine with the meadows surrounding us, it's all so clear. These are the people that formed the core of who I am. And although they laugh as a talk about my city frolics, shoe obsessions and over priced hair appointments, they see the girl that I am. When my soul feels depleted they have the ability to refill it. And when I need spiritual guidance these are the people I turn too, as their understanding of the universe and of human goodness can be rivaled by no other. On Friday I felt reluctant to go. Tried my hardest to get out of it, but when I saw how angry and upset it made my Mother, I hopped in the car, begrudgingly, and set my course North East. Sometimes it's as if the universe knows what's good for me, even when I am at a loss. When I arrived at the step of the canyon I could feel myself calm. As I drove further up those winding roads to the little road leading to the Valley it felt beautiful to be back. I could not believe it had been two years. It's amazing for those of you that know me well, but I was most excited to hang out with my little second cousins Kaya and Rohan. I have never been the type of girl to obsess or fawn over babies and although I adore my nieces and nephew without a doubt, these two little kids always have my heart. At the wedding I couldn't be bothered my much else, but to sit with them on the couch, read books and snuggle. They both fell asleep on top of me and I insisted they come home with me and spend the night. They did not protest. We spent the next day together and I kept threatening to bring them home with me. As I departed and Kaya asked if she could come home with me, I almost started to cry. IMG_2240 My sweet Kaya, who hopefully come visit soon so we can go to the ballet together! IMG_2252 Rohan the cutest preemie baby growing up with the most loving little soul in the world. Also and amazing artist. Home now and it felt good to get back to the gym this morning, but as I took a run through the valley yesterday and passed the big meadow full of horses, one of my aunts mares ran beside me along the fence until she could run no more...and I was thinking, I could really get back in to this whole nature life full time, if I could only figure out how to walk in sleet, snow and mud a little bit better in my high heels! XO IMG_2208 Aunties House! IMG_2259 No relation but man I dug his style!!!

Adobe What An Honor To Have You Here

IMAG0095 IMAG0112 IMAG0117 IMAG0119 IMAG0134 IMAG0137 IMAG0140 IMAG0149 Had drinks with Jasmine and Dusty after work...took a stroll over to Adobe and met the artist currently installing the new window installation, Nicolas Torres, aka super cutie. Hung out with Andrew the owner, damn I love that man. Dress: Primrose, Jacket: Mike and Chris, Bracelet Cuff: Low Luv, Purse: Tahari, Necklace: In God We Trust

Dan-ah Kim

So pretty. So dreamy. I want to be the girl flying through the sky in the first slide. Dan-ah Kim is currently in Spain, completing an artist residency at Can Serrat International Art Centre. You can also visit her etsy site to by yourself some pretty. Or you could by me something pretty. Either way we are good. xo Screen shot 2010-05-20 at 8.17.07 AM 6a00d834cad15053ef0120a6270cd8970c-800wi 6a00d834cad15053ef0120a626d84c970c-800wi Screen shot 2010-05-20 at 8.16.40 AM Screen shot 2010-05-20 at 8.17.18 AM

Damn The Rain, I Will Wear Shorts Anyway!

Debutante_Dressg 5 Debutante_Dressg 4 Debutante_Dressg 3 Debutante_Dressg 12 Just got my hair done at Edo! I feel so pretty! I also got my car washed. It feels pretty too. The nice man that owned the car wash also got all the icky red paint that was scrapped on my door off! Chivalry is not dead at the car wash on Divisadero. Top Fremont, Shorts H&M, Shoes Steve Madden.

Sucked Down To The Seeping Deep

tumblr_l22bmf9yMM1qzj1p9o1_500 tumblr_l1jj1yQNvU1qzj1p9o1_500 tumblr_l230hlCuPt1qzeb1ao1_500 tumblr_l2hd98NstK1qzv83io1_400 tumblr_l2hdnjBDS81qaj7bwo1_500 tumblr_kxwpf7nDAR1qziki3o1_500 tumblr_kxhbs7M6jC1qzr5kvo1_500