Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — sasha
Sasha Darlings Home on Apartment Therapy
Yay!! Check it out here!
7 x7 guide and photo journal of the Mission
Gallery BellJar on
We are so proud to have Gallery BellJar Featured on
The galley although a side project is one that is near and dear to our hearts and we are really so happy that we have had so many talented artist show in our little space. This recognition from our fav art online zine is amazing! Thanks for taking such pretty pictures.
Darling Studio for Rent
Hi all- Since I love all you BellJar Darlings I decided to post my super cute studio apartment for rent here before craigslist! It's just under my house and we will share the pretty backyard. We can have BBQ's together. Interior Design consultations included!
Lovely, sunny studio apartment over looking garden. One main room, bathroom and kitchen and direct access to garden. Plenty of sunlight, hardwood floors and a great view. Off street so incredibly quiet. 1175.00 includes water garbage, electricity, and DSL. washer and dryer in the garage. Downstairs from my house so I'm looking for a nice person that I wouldn't mind bumping elbows with. Someone who loves pets cuz I've got plenty! Close to muni, bart, Mission Street bus, 280, and 101 freeways. Great for commuters. It's in the excelsior, which people always think is too far out but it takes me like 8 min. to drive to the mission and my roomate doesn't have a car, and totes likes living out here. Really the excelsior is the new Mission- Would I lie to you?

vogue daily
I thought that being in Elle Decor was pretty much the tops, but a mention on kinda has Sasha Darling walking on air.