Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Fashion

Behind The Scenes

IMG_2303 IMAG0160 -2 -4 -3 Photo-shoot Fun Times. I need a drink after this day. It was long.

Darlings Love Furry Creatures

As you all know we love furry creatures here at BellJar. Some adorn our walls forever more and some are little fat piglets that run around and greet you as you walk through the doors. I got my dog through Rocket Dog Rescue and most of you have experienced how amazing she is! This is such a great event and a cause I believe in immensely. So when G over at The Avant-Gardist asked us to lend out our fabulous fashions for the event, how could I say no! Especially since we recently were fostering the little dog Sonic...and we are still hoping to find him a good home! So Please come out in support~ xo fashionshow

Undeniably Clear

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Sunny Disposition Despite The Rain

I have been loving this San Francisco weather as of late. It's not that I don't like a rainy day here and there, but being a Leo and a daughter of the Sun, I feel so much more glorious and motivated when it's warm and sunny out. When I arrived at the shop today it was a torrential downpour and pig and I had to make a run for it, having forgotten our umbrella. So today a little Elle Magazine Photo-soot that reminds me of summertime in Marin County when it's all golden and lovely, just like me. XO Elle Magazine Elle Magazine Elle Magazine Elle Magazine

Feeling Girlie and Pretty

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