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I'm a little Bit County!!!

Woo hoo check out my latest article for Look Maw I'm a writer!

Class of 2006

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Vogue UK- Paolo Roversi

All Hail the King

F-Yeah James Brown. You give my life so much vigor and excitement. When I hear sing you make my body move in uncontrollable bouts of soul. Too much soul for a white-girl...but I don't care. Let them stare at my wonky kneed Tina dance. You know what I'm all about Mr. Brown, you see the soul deep inside me. Happy Birthday in the beyond. jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown jamesbrown

Sunday Morning Crush

Bobby Gillespie- You are dreamy, your music is not so bad either. I'm sure Jarvis won't mind if we hang out and drink tea. RON mickbobbyawards2010DC_02 14aecux Primal_Scream_111065b gillespie-hogg_1621646i Simon_Murphy_Portrait_Celebrity_Photography_London_bobby_gillespie 232

Cotton Candy, Suntan Lotion and Afternoon Naps

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