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Getting away with it

9118_146720883269_53022303269_2565309_4393662_n I definitely need some inspiration to get me through the day. I woke up this morning with amazing hair and make up that resembled Alice Cooper. My dear friend Ashly is in town from New York so her and I and my other old friend Dawn went to dinner at Gracias Madre, the new vegan restaurant in the Mission. I of course adore it but I have also been on the vegan eating trip lately, like I do every 6 months or so. After 5 days in LA and no gym time I have been working out every day and only eating non processed foods. Anyway I digress. After my yummy dinner I decided to pollute my system with cocktails and we went over to beauty bar which totes sucked. Ran into a few friends but was so on my way home, grandma style, at like 10. Then it dawned on me it was soul night at the Make Out Room, and everyone knows I adore any and all soul nights. So we made our way the excruciating 3 long blocks (hey I was wearing super high heels) to listen to some good music. Long story short, I got there, and the music was good, and OF COURSE I ran in to the boy who broke my heart last year, and of course after he bought us a few drinks I had to yell at him for like two hours about how he needed to grow up, and of course he sat there and took it but just kept buying shots to possibly make it less painful, so of course I feel like dirt this AM. And I also feel like sometimes I need to learn to keep my mouth shut. But then again, I think that's what makes me, me. I guess I just tell it like it is. Anyway I have been contemplating this for months now, but last night, the earlier mentioned boy that I yelled at for two hours, told me how bummed he was because some people he knew were saying all this crazy stuff about me and my ex husband...things that were totally untrue and completely taken out of context; that paired with the fact that every boy I have had the pleasure of meeting lately either dated one of my friends or I dated one of his...makes me completely ready to leave San Francisco. It's just getting too small here and I feel as if I can't breathe or move around with-out running into someone or something that is somehow connected to my life in some way, shape or form. Plus I may die single here, which might not be such a bad thing as boys generally are tedious and often smell funny. Anyway, I have been contemplating cities. NY is out because it gives me anxiety. Brooklyn is on the table. I had such a good time in LA, although I pretend to hate it there, but I think its an option. Also I think about Marin or the country and I think YES, that's where I will go, but then I try to imagine what I would do for work and that dream goes out the window. So I'm gonna let it simmer for a bit, look for some investors and figure out where to open the next BellJar. I'm leaning towards LA. I kinda need some sun in my life. qj4K2adXnnqhlb9iUdXOz49mo1_400 siVkNOmrulkrpj37XKm9KS1Io1_400 cnzcmbgeyk4l1wiyrdkv68ozo1_400 ofGMFSqaDnn0xp4nVHTI3lcvo1_500 rDrz2QYGPn7gdl4xa5h23Q25o1_r1_400 tumblr_kut6r5MyJi1qa856ao1_400

Upcoming Amazing Show

The Shoting Gallery always curates such amazing shows. They make me wish I had a wee bit more time to focus on the Gallery Portion of BellJar...but I would say we do a pretty good job. The upcoming show Meticulous Engagements Kris Kuksi & Christy Langer is on my list of do not miss for next month.

April 3 - April 25, 2010
Here are a few of their past works to get you excited! Christy_Langer_ 6a00d834cad15053ef0120a97671ae970b-pi 6a00d834cad15053ef01310fdd6469970c-pi 6a00d834cad15053ef01310fdd64be970c-pi 6a00d834cad15053ef0120a9767163970b-800wi Screen shot 2010-03-25 at 11.24.29 AM Screen shot 2010-03-25 at 11.24.52 AM Screen shot 2010-03-25 at 11.25.33 AM We will soon post about our next upcoming show! Scott Grenwalt. xo

Shoes make me happy

LA Trip

DSC07642 It's our last day in LA and I have been staying at my friend Lily's house in Hancock Park. Such a amazing neighborhood and her house is to die for. It's a Jewish hood and there are tons of Hasidic Jews around, which of course I LOVE, as I have a fascination for the Hacieds. I was thinking about going to Temple yesterday to find myself a Jewish husband but then I got sucked in to records, good food and conversation with the ladies and I forgot all about that bright idea. DSC07637 Lily is so amazing to hang out with. Her house is beautiful, well lit and she has an amazing record collection. We have not watched TV once. We just sit, spin records and talk about life, love, music and a whole lot about our pets! This trip has been so nice and mellow that I am dreaming of moving to LA. It's so strange that a huge city like LA feels so much more laid back and closer to nature than SF. It smells like lilacs, there are deers running around in the hills and all I want to do is take walks in the pretty neighborhoods. Friday night was our only night on the LA fashion scene. We went to the Odd Molly's store opening and saw loads of celebs, drank free drinks and laughed at the paparazzi. I kept joking that my friend Lisa forgot to alert the press I was coming, as the paparazzi didn't seem to care when I walked the red carpet. They don't get me in LA yet, but I'm HUGE in Japan! Tee Hee. But we did see some fancy people. We were most excited about Lydia Hearst and it was cool to see Fabrizio from the strokes and his hot french girlfriend, Binki Shapiro, DJ. But best of all I got to hang with my girl Lisa Davidson from showroom 7! Tonight I go to her house for dinner. She keeps telling me I have to see her pad so I'm super excited to check out her fab decor. oddmolly_engstrom132 oddmolly_engstrom108 97890446 97890446 97890446 97890446 Today we finished off our day with shoe shopping. Our pal over at Laurie Hausen show room, Nicolette told us about a big sale, so we scored big time. I don't know what to say other than shoe shopping makes me happy!!! We also stopped off at the Red Lion Tavern in Silver Lake for dinner and a beer. And some cute boy watching too! DSC07659 All and all it was a great trip. Her are a few snippet's of some of the Fall apparel...I know a huge tease. Won't start coming in till July, but in the meantime we have tons of spring pouring in! DSC07589 DSC07610 DSC07613

2 Year Anniversary Gorgeous Little Moments!