I woke with a bit of a cold last night, which is not surprising. Since I arrived in France I have been burning the candle at both ends to say the least. Yesterday meet up with my old friend Sunny Buick who ran away to Paris 8 years ago and never looked back. It was interesting to see how long it took her to get her life settled and to a point that made her happy in a foreign country. It's so much harder to run away to a different country. Things you don't even think about being hard, can be difficult. Like the French keyboard. It's crazy– you have to hit shift to get a period, or to punch in a number. It took me like 15 minuets to enter my Google password. I want to run away to a life that is easier, not more complicated. Aside from meeting a rich European to snatch me away and throw money at any problem th at may arise from residing in a foreign country...I can safely say I won't be disappearing into the European landscape any time soon. I could although run away to Northern California. If I could figure out an easy way to make a living in a small town, I think I might already be gone. But what does a glam girl do for a living the country? Haveing a bit of a somber day...I think I will go look at some art.