Met a Boy, Cute as Can Be

tumblr_l4nvmkEQuJ1qblypqo1_500_large tumblr_l0qjoggEUy1qa5ifko1_500_large All my friends are giddy in love right now and it's soo freaking cute I can't stand it. The amount of mushy, girlie sweet love swirling around me is like a John Hughes flick, without all the teenage angst. It makes sense, it’s summer and it’s time for us all to get out, have some fun and make out with cute boys. But I have to admit, I feel a bit left out. I have been traveling so much and of course that involved some on the road flirting, but I’m really not a weekend rendezvous type girl these days. I have not been around enough this summer to get out there and fall madly, deeply in like with a super cute boy. I have not run through the fields holding hands giggling, eventually falling into the grass and kissing, with a boy in way too long. I mean believe me, I’ve had my intense sitting over a drink or dinner and staring deep into each others soul experiences this past year, but that’s for winter and fall. I want some summer love. I want to lie in the park barefoot, while eating binge cherries and watching bunnies hop by, kind of love. I want walking through the mission on a sunny day holding hands kind of love.  You know summer love, the kind that ends in the fall when we all have to return to our normal lives. Just like Sandy and Danny. So today I am manifesting sunshine and crushes, summer dresses and make out sessions, cherry lip-gloss and skinny dipping at the lake with cuties, today I am 13 going on 30-something and it’s gonna be the best summer ever. tumblr_l0bl2amtdM1qbnk7io1_400_large tumblr_l2h5cu7fGQ1qzc9d2o1_500_large tumblr_l44jwfudps1qbnus9o1_500_large xoxo

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