Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Uncategorized

It's all Happening

Everyone who is in the know, knows we have our Art Opening tonight featuring the amazing work by Scott Greenwalt. We hung the show yesterday and I have to say that I'm beyond impressed. Scott's work has evolved so much from when I first saw it last year and he has a fresh and inspiring way, of making Macabre subjects still seem playful and approachable. He will probably hate me for saying this, but the work is quite lovely in a kind of creepy way, just like Scott himself. Ha ha. So we better see you there tonight or you will break my pretty little heart. 23847_1284790558740_1199418542_30649545_6322949_n Tomorrow my old, dear friend Benny Gold will have his pilot store opening in the mission. I have known Benny for about 5 or 6 years. We used to freelance design together. We bonded over our hippie parents, being Jewish and all the weird vegan school lunches our parents packed for us. He and his wife Hiromi have been a big support to me and BellJar and I'm proud to share my neighborhood with one of the most talented people, I was lucky enough to work with. Benny, we are taking over the Mission and sure have come a long way. P.S. Hiromi will be sporting a dress from BelJar for the event! 24864_377664008259_636448259_3642635_3888686_n Last but certainly not least we just updated the site with tons of new spring apparel. Please do check in...and also spread the word my darlings? See whats new!!! So I have a packed weekend, with the show, Benny's opening, and as I posted before I'm going to see lady Charlotte tomorrow with my dear friend Olivia. I also have house guests arriving in about an hour for the next three days. Lordy you all have a perfectly darling weekend and hope too see you around town. xoxo

Lady Charlotte

I will be doing this!

Concentration of charge

We have the Scott Greenwalt show coming tomorrow that we will be hanging today. The last group show was such a success and I wanted to take time to thank all of out artists again for being such a huge support and inspiration to me and all the girls at BellJar. Make sure you all come by tomorrow night. As per usual there will be champagne and some sort of special drink that I'm still concocting. Plus I will be wearing the cutest new vintage dress that I scored yesterday...It's currently making me swoon and I can't wait til tomorrow so I can wear it. tumblr_l0jczj7yMn1qa856ao1_500 On a personal level I have been feeling a bit drained and plan to take a week or so soon to go on a massive vintage housewares buying trip. Nothing makes me feel rejuvenated like a bit of time on the open road searching for rare and amazing finds. I might combine that with a pit stop to see my Momma who has been feeling under the weather. I really need to scan a bunch of pictures of my family so you can get a grasp of all the glory and crazy that I came from. It might shed some light on the BellJar vision as well as Sasha Darling's own glamorous, fluffy, crystalline encrusted, darkly romantic life. I draw so much inspiration from the past as well as my own experiences. tumblr_kzwyelqNJ51qadu2oo1_500 tumblr_l0kvnx2RXx1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_l0l4hpKqay1qzv83io1_r1_500 tumblr_l0l5gxFIjT1qzv83io1_500 tumblr_kyxigrE9XM1qzgyxh So just a quick blog today as we are desperately working to update the site and prepare for tomorrows show. Xoxo

Mostly I Feel Like This

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New at BellJar!

These and more will be added to the online by friday! So Keep a look out! xoxo _DSC6921 _DSC6970 _DSC6998 _DSC7058 _DSC7187 _DSC7385 _DSC7331 _DSC7234