Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Uncategorized

My Heart Belongs To Texas- Erin Wasson

Yeah she is a babe. And she makes rad jewelery and we carry it at BellJar. All the it-girls are wearing LowLuv. Sadly it's not available on-line due to distribution restrictions. But give us a shout or just come in and see us, Darlings! 1yvleq 309u5pj 2ypiz5h 2dlkui0 mvpz7p 29x658l byebt ilggau 2w7iphs-1 24mt7ye 2191f8o 2hcoleh 2iarhav wkpppu 317coea 1nzciq 2ppy7t0 348ra8i j8l8n7 309u5pj

Elle Magazine- August 2010

Darling's Vintage Obsession-Brigette Bardot

brigitte_bardot_reference brigitte_mirror-1 bardot gainsbourg 259833 bardot1_1425671i Brigitte-Bardot-431 Brigitte_Bardot Her hair, her eyeliner, her body, her style, what's not to love. Brigette Bardot also dated Serge...the sexiest ugly guy ever, and we adore ugly sexy, don't we?

Bikes, Bikes, Bikes. Cuteness

scarlet+johansson paul+newman zooey+deschanel michael+jackson kate+moss albert+einstein alfred+hitchckock annette+funicello aurdrey+hepburn Elvis Bridgette+Bardot

BellJar Goings On

Had a Web-Shoot yesterday with my roomates boyfriend Mark Likowski . He works down at Mccann and they have a killer photo studio. I was lucky enough to borrow the space and him for a day. Supper sweet! Lovely Models Libby and Nida and Jasmin styled. The shots are amazing and will be uploaded in the next few days. Here are some shots to tide you over. liby2 38908_423747145904_617885904_4777780_1962870_n 37902_423747090904_617885904_4777777_518454_n liby1 33511_423747430904_617885904_4777808_588436_n 37580_412897314502_584289502_4670969_4838572_n 35938_412897074502_584289502_4670955_5335323_n 37971_412896839502_584289502_4670946_4892588_n

And These Cirles that Surround, Fill Up, Break Down and Replenish at Will

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