Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Uncategorized

Beware of duplicity, simplicity

photo-10 photo-9 photo-5 photo-4 tumblr_l75gukn9u21qzv83io1_500 dreamboatcourtney by a. s tumblr_l82pz5uFFo1qzv83io1_500

I Need To Sleep!

tumblr_l7x93obvWv1qzv83i ac home 13 (via fernsandmoss)-1 Horse Spirit  by Marcelina Martin tumblr_l7o9c5U5S81qzv83i (via fernsandmoss)-2

The light Inside Me, Can Never Be Dimmed

tumblr_l72vmcJro51qzj1p9 photo-6 photo-3 Image and video hosting by TinyPic tumblr_l7o9p6Taob1qzv83i miss-mary-quite-contrary suninscorpio tumblr_l7tmqukObn1qzv83i tumblr_l7z4w7CWor1qzv83i tumblr_l7z3zlbXvR1qzv83i alison scarpulla

Celebrating the Site Back up with Dolly Fashion Show

For those of you who have tried to visit the site this week, you may or may not have noticed it got hacked...It was a really frustrating week but thanks to facebook networking and the lovely Meghan Wilson suggesting her guy Trevor to save the day, we are back up and running virus free. How many of you out there can say that with assurance! He he. As with all difficult situations especially in business and running your own, every trying time is a learning experience. It seems I have had quite a few of those lately. But now with a deeper understanding of website security I present you a Dolly Fashion show to celebrate.

Yes she still Makes me happy! Thanks Greg for sending it over-

Sometimes I want to carry boys clothes!






