Sasha Darling & The BellJar Blog — Inspiration

Coco Rocha - What a Fox

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Look Behind Her Eyes

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Angela Singer

So every-time I visit Megan's Blog over at My Love For You Is A Stampede Of Horses, I think she must be my long lost sister. We have, like the exact same taste in art. This morning I clicked over and found, to my delight, Angela Singer. We all know that I adore Taxidermy, but I also love girlie pretty-ness. Although the message is much more complicated than just appealing to Sasha Darling, Angela Singer's art feels like it was made to represent BellJar. Screen shot 2010-05-12 at 7.15.36 AM Screen shot 2010-05-12 at 7.15.26 AM Screen shot 2010-05-12 at 7.14.52 AM

Undeniably Clear

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Sunny Disposition Despite The Rain

I have been loving this San Francisco weather as of late. It's not that I don't like a rainy day here and there, but being a Leo and a daughter of the Sun, I feel so much more glorious and motivated when it's warm and sunny out. When I arrived at the shop today it was a torrential downpour and pig and I had to make a run for it, having forgotten our umbrella. So today a little Elle Magazine Photo-soot that reminds me of summertime in Marin County when it's all golden and lovely, just like me. XO Elle Magazine Elle Magazine Elle Magazine Elle Magazine