Last Gasp 40th Anniversary Party

I had the pleasure of making Ron Turners acquaintance years ago when I designed a book for Last Gasp, titled Sci-Fi Western. We have been recently talking with their reps about carrying some of the books in BellJar. Ever since Dusty and Jasmin were acquainted with Ron he has taken a shining to little Jasmin, so we headed on down to 111 Minna for the party and in true Hawaiian style Jasmine brought Ron a Leis. I wish I got a picture of him in it!!! It totally brought me back to childhood memories of visiting my Dad on the Islands. He would always pick me up from the airport wearing a leis, and of course he would bring me one too! My Dad looked a bit like Ron. He also had the big ZZ Top style beard and I bet he and Ron would have been the best of friends if they met. My Dad was a cool cat indeed. Anyway we ran into a lot of friends, had some champagne served by the lovely Camille and had a good night surrounded by good peeps and amazing art. Sorry the pictures are kinda bad..they were from our I-Phone! Xo Stay Darling.

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